Casandra "Airbrush Goddess" Burrell knew at a very young age she had a love for art. Born and raised in Akron,Ohio, she always managed to find herself drawing pictures in church or taking an art class in school. It's clear she would have a career in art one day.
Casandra began airbrushing November 2009 in Cleveland Ohio. Practice, practice and more practice Soon she became known for her detailed portraits and urban flavor. Her friend named her "Airbrush Goddess" and it fit her perfectly.
Goddess says ,"Every day, I found myself airbrushing after work and watching videos about it In my spare time so I could learn as much as possible. I never knew all my dedication would lead me where I am today."
In 2013, was her biggest venture as she moved to panama city florida to airbrush t-shirts for tourists on the beach. "I'm thrilled to be able to make custom art for a living. I love the idea of making art fun and giving the client a unique item that makes them smile. I have truly found my calling, I love what I do and am very passionate about it".